Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pseudo Code

Class Discussion
  • type of english that uses common words
  • informal structure
  • Describes and algorithm in text that resembles code
  • no set rules
Pseudo code Commands

if ..........................then
Pre test repetition
Post test repetition
Initialize - set to ________ value

Filling a Bath With 80L
initialize volume = 0L
turn on tap
wait 30 seconds
until volume = 80L
turn off tap

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Selection and Repitition

As we have mentioned in previous lessons Algorithms are composed of three basic structures. Sequence, Selection and Repetition.

We have already looked at sequence (the single steps in the algorithms we did before are sequence) so what are selection and repetition.

Solving a problem often involves making a decision between two or more options. In an algorithm this process of making a decision is called selection.

Describe, in plain english, an algorithm for;

(you may need to research algorithms in google.

Use the word “if” ie If red then ……)

1.    Moving through a set of traffic lights.

2.    Deciding whether to take an umbrella to school.

3.    Giving a student an A, B or C on their test.

Often an algorithm will often require you to repeat a task in order to solve a problem; when this is done in an algorithm the structure is called repetition.

Describe, in plain english, an algorithm for;

1.    Adding the correct amount of cordial to water to make a drink.

2.    Filling a bucket with water.

3.    Blowing up a balloon.

Flowchart Basics


    What is a flowchart?
A flowchart is a visual way of representing the flow of data through an information processing system, the operations performed within the system and the sequence in which they were performed

With the decision making symbol (diamond) and the process symbol (rectangle), what are the rules for how many lines may enter and leave the symbol?

    Only one flow line should enter a decision symbol, but two flow lines, one for each possible answer, should leave the decision symbol.

Only one flow line should come out from a process symbol.

Study the sample flowcharts then create a flowchart for a coin toss where heads means Mary pays for the pizza and Tales means Bill pays.


What is an Algorithm? 

An unambiguous set of steps, which when performed correctly by a processor, will result in a process being carried out in a finite time. 

For example if you were to explain to someone how to make a cup of coffee you would be defining an algorithm; 

1.   boil the water,

2.   place coffee in the cup,

3.   place sugar in the cup,

4.   add the boiling water,

5.   add milk,

6.   stir. 

1.           Examine the algorithm above. What two properties of the algorithm enable it to correctly describe the solution to the problem of making a cup of coffee? What is it that makes an algorithm correct?(Hint: what would happen if you swapped step "6" and step "2"?)

The order in which the tasks are set (sequence), selection and repitition.

2.      Define Algorithms for the following processes. 

Posting a letter.
1. Write a letter
2. fold the letter 3. enclose letter in envelope
4. write posting adress
5. stick on stamp
6. drive to postbox
7. place envelope in postbox

Making toast.
1. put toast in toaster
2. push down lever on toaster
3. wait for the toaster to pop
4. take toast out of toaster and put on plate
5. Butter toast with a knife
Calling a friend on the phone
 1. switch mobile phone on
2. go through contacts and find the required number
3. press 'voice call'
4. wait for the person to pick up the phone